
9 AspDotNetStoreFront Features You’ll Regret Not Having

AspDotNetStoreFront is one of the most popular veteran eCommerce platforms based on the highly functional Microsoft technology .NET. With its full source available to its users, AspDotNetStoreFront is a highly customizable platform allowing users to create and edit their store exactly as required.


With the ability of customization, the possibility of AspDotNetStoreFront features that can be created and implemented increases exponentially. With a plethora of experience working with ASPDNSF since 2007 i.e. more than 10 years, Matrid has coded various custom features for a number of stores. These custom built components, that are not available in the default version of ASPDNSF, include:

AspDotNetStorefront eBay/Amazon Connector

Store owners have a very hard time managing their products on different platforms and marketplaces like eBay, Amazon etc. Our custom ASPDNSF connector includes the following…

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AspDotNetStorefront Advance Search with Filters

Ideally, a good user experience is delivered when customers of your store can get to their desired product without having to go through a number of pages and clicks. An intelligent…

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AspDotNetStorefront Banner Carousel Module

With the banner being the first thing a customer views in your site, it becomes crucial for you to provide maximum information through it while making a good impression. It is typically…

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AspDotNetStorefront Advanced Checkout Process

A significant amount of customers are lost at the final stage of conversion if the checkout process is not seamless. Customizing your checkout process will help you avoid cart …

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AspDotNetStorefront Filters and Facets Add On

Filters and Facets too are an integral part of improving user experience. Facets include an elaborate list of options, either on the side or top of the page, that allow users to narrow…

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AspDotNetStorefront Customize Products

Providing the option for product customization places you in a very lucrative market with very less competition. Majority of users prefer products that are customized to their requirements…

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AspDotNetStorefront iOS / Android App

A mobile strategy is crucial for every eCommerce store since a significantly large sector of the market uses their mobile devices to shop online. A mobile app is a perfect solution for stores…

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AspDotNetStorefront Elastic Search Integration

eCommerce sites with large databases become incredibly slow which is often why they are abandoned. Elasticsearch is an incredibly fast option for eCommerce websites…

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AspDotNetStorefront Mega Drop Downs

As mentioned earlier, an ideal user experience is to get a customer to their desired product in the least amount of clicks. A custom mega drop down menu too offers a very innovative solution…

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