Not long ago, a mobile strategy wasn’t even an option for the automobile industry. Times, however, have changed now and its market has become widely popular. This is why every business needs a mobile presence not just to be able to reach out to a wider audience but also get ahead of the competition. This is equally true for the automobile industry and even industry giants like audi, bmw, hyundai etc. are increasingly expanding their base in the app market.
Given below are 7 extremely useful types of apps for both automakers and owners:

This app is like an alarm for the owner of the car except that this alarm does not need to be set. It does so automatically and informs users when it’s the right time to get their car serviced. The app includes features like:
- Alerting the user when the right time for a full service is.
- Informing users about new possible upgrades and their benefits.
- It even includes a manual to help the user fix certain minor problems in case they occur.
Such apps are usually exclusive for automobile companies and their car models. But some are also universal which serve al models of major car companies.
Parking assistant apps are not new but still in their infancy. These apps have and can include a number of features to enhance customer convenience. Some of these features include:
- Alerting users about vacant parking spaces near to their destination.
- keeping record of everyday commutes and notifying users about vacant spaces without having them to open the app or feeding the location.
- Payment gateways to reserve and/or automatically pay for the paid parking services.

The vehicle inspection app helps its users maintain their car in peak condition and ensure smooth functioning of it. They also keep vehicle owners informed about it. Some features of the app include:
- Consistent monitoring of all vehicle parts and their performance.
- Regular test report generation compared with standard performance parameters.
- Suggest part calibrations to enhance performance whenever it seems to degrade.
Some of these apps are also linked to their respective automobile companies constantly feeding them with the data of car performance and safety which is used as reference for newer car models.
Customer service is key to every business and this is why a client support app for the customers are really great. A few functions of these type of apps include:
- Auto repair and maintenance support center locator.
- Area of expertise, customer review and availability filters for these services.
- Payment gateway integrations to carry out easy service transactions.
Automobile companies are increasingly connecting with their customers on every level and it looks like mobile devices are proving to be an excellent point of contact.

Since every industry now is opting for the Augmented Reality technology, it was apparent that the automobile industry too got up to speed with it. The augmented reality apps owned by automakers include some of the following features:
- Virtual display of all models of the cars.
- Vehicle part display along with its specifications and other details.
- Virtual vehicle part placement within the car for better preview.
The AR technology includes a number of possibilities. No wonder automobile industry giants like Ferrari are working extensively on this tech.
A vehicle security app helps users control their car through mobile devices and also ensure its safety through it. Some of these app security features include:
- Constant vehicle monitoring and tracking.
- Phone alarm alert in case of car theft or mishandling.
- More advanced features could include vehicle systems shut down through mobile.
Since security of one’s car is one of the top concerns of any car owner, the market for car security apps is immensely large and profitable.

Since all industries follow the “Bring your own devices to work” rule, an enterprise app proved to be the most effective and efficient channel of communication and work. Some basic features of enterprise apps include:
- Quick and secure document and paperwork transfers.
- Centralized document library and storage.
- Shipment order processing, manufacturing process paperwork etc. and report generation.
- Electronic signature and verification to authorize and carry out processes faster without wasting time.
An enterprise apps are exclusive and are highly effective in making everyday business processes quick and more secure. This is why almost all major companies own one.
A mobile presence of the automobile industry is not as strong yet as the other industries but it is definitely catching up. Ranging from enterprise apps to AR product galleries, even industry giants are on the working their way to establishing a strong hold in the app market with the help of top app development companies. So if you’re looking for the right time to get on the bandwagon, it is now.