How to Assign a Coupon Code to only a Specific Product in Magento 2.x

create Coupon Code for any particular product.

Using Magento 2 platform, you can create a promotion program with a discount amount to encourage customers to buy more with our learning session of Magento 2- How to Assign a Coupon Code to only a Specific Product in Magento 2.x

We will be getting practical along with our talk about these concepts.

Magento2 comes with built-in options which help us to set up the product relations. .

Talking firstly for “Cart Price Rules?”, Cart Price Rule is a special rule with conditions you define in the configuration,that allows your customers to buy a certain product at a discounted price. Store Admins will create a coupon code form Magento configuration and your customers will need to insert the code into the Apply Discount box at checkout. The value of the coupon can be checked on the Order Review..

1 .Firstly log in to ypur magento 2 admin panel then click on marketing on the left bar .


2 .Under Promotions, click Cart Price Rules..


3 .Tap the Add New Rule button..


4 .Expand the Rule Information tab

5.Enter the Coupon Code manually.

6. Limit how many times the coupon can be redeemed in the Uses per Coupon and User per Customer. Leave them empty to set no restriction.

7. Uses per Coupon sets the number of times the coupon code is used.

8.Uses per Customers sets the number of times the coupon code is used by the same customers.
If there are many cart price rules at the same time, you should set the active time and priority to manage them better.

9.Click Save to activate the coupon code.


10 .Set Condition

1 .On left sidebar, click Conditions tab.

2 .Click + button icon.

3 .Select Product attribute combination.

4 .Click + button icon.

5 .Select SKU.

6 .Now, you will see SKU is…

7 .Put your product SKU over there.


11 .Set Action

1 .Apply: Select the discount method using the drop-down.

2 .Discount amount: Enter the discount amount you want to offer in the promotion.

3 .Minimum Qty Discount is Applied To: Enter the quantity of product on which the discount will be applied.

4 .Discount Qty Step (Buy X): If you have selected the Buy X to get Y free discount method, here you can specify the quantity of a product a customer must buy to get Y free. You can also enter the percentage of the product price.

5 .Apply To Shipping Amount: If you would like to apply the discount rule to the shipping cost as well.

6 .Discard subsequent rules: Select Yes, if you don’t want a customer to use other rules after this one

7 .Free Shipping: Select the relevant option from the drop-down if you want to, or don’t want to, add the shipping cost to the products in the cart when the rule applies..


11 .Once you are done, tap the Save button...


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