Migration Assessment
Switch over to futuristic and productive Magento 2, before Magento 1 doomed to an end.

Benefits you will receive from the migration
Easy-to-navigate and well-segregated admin panel
Streamlined shopping experience with a two-step checkout
Enjoy more customizations with a drag-and-drop product creation page
Full-page caching allows faster page load to provide a seamless user experience
Lesser extension conflicts makes the life much easier
According to the evaluation performed by Stax, a global strategy consultancy, Magento 2 has been found successful in reducing its users costs up to 62% while they were working on new landing pages, product catalogues etc. The Magento 2 has also helped users in fewer extension collisions, providing a bigger advantage to Magento 1 users when it comes to enhance functionality with addons.
However, on the other side of the coin, the transition is not so easy to perform. In order to reinstate your web-store, it may need some customisations to be made within the code inside. Therefore, in order to be safe from the risks involved, you need to choose the right partner.
Steps to be followed before actual launch
For a migration to be successful and safe, it is best to start with a robust and strategic plan. Evaluate the impact on the budget and server applications, based on the data and extensions to migrate. This will help you in scheduling and prioritizing things that will be pertinent as well as aesthetic for the site.
1. Data and Extensions Review
Prioritize data and extensions as per relevance and it is best to discard those which no longer needed. Check functionalities of existing extensions on the new platform and if found to be not supporting it, find whether Magento 2 has other alternatives available.
You can use the data migration tool depending upon the version of Magento 2, to transfer your data safely however themes and other modules will have to be transfer manually.
2. Theme Updation
Although you can try working with an existing theme, yet it will require you to thoroughly understand the Magento 2 code complexities for reinstating everything. Instead, you can try either taking a fresh theme or inherit Magento 2 demo theme called Luna. We recommend the later way as it helps to maintain the builtin performance and speed efficiency and also reduces your future efforts by only making changes in the modules, that are overriding the functionalities of upcoming Magento 2 updates.
3. Check on hosting and hardware topology
The next thing comes in to check on whether the services provided by your hosting provider are fulfilling the system requirements of your new platform. In addition, also update Magento 2 hardware design as per your existing architecture of Magento 1. So, you can be safe from caching or storing incapacities as well as performance issues in the future.
4. Testing
Data reviewed, Extensions checked, Hardware matched, now it's time for your missiles to be launched. But for a safer side, make it must to do a test run on a staging server first. After finishing, check if each function is working properly and data is displayed perfectly.
5. Scheduling
If everything found set and absolute with what needed, the next step will be to plan the timings ideal to safely perform the migration on the live site.

Important Takeaways:
Check the impact of your site on search engine rankings after migration
If possible, consider postponing features to a later stage to reduce the migration time
Go thoroughly with the purpose and working of each extension so you can have optimised results
Do your store also has a mobile app? Yes? Then, it is required to be synchronized. Check if your mobile app supports auto-upgradation and if not, update its associated API to be compatible with Magento 2.
Check scalability and if required, establish new application servers providing the auto-scaling feature. When traffic goes high, the auto-scaling feature will help you in commissioning new servers to stabilize the load. You can also consider separating different services of a server into static content delivery, session management, etc.
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