Vehicle Inspection App Development for Automobile Industry
A vehicle inspection app is a great addition to the list of automobile apps. Monitoring the car’s performance through the mobile device is a simple and effective technique. The market for this app is a promising ground. Examples are apps like Torque and DashCommand who are making fortunes in it.
Torque App
- There are two versions of the app, Torque Lite (free) and Torque Pro (paid) which have a combined number of nearly 10 million downloads.
- In December 2016, 30,000 people downloaded Torque Pro and it generated a revenue of around $80,000 in the same month alone.

- A relatively younger competitor of Torque, DashCommand has nearly 5 million downloads worldwide.
- It was downloaded nearly 5,000 times and generated a total revenue of $30,000 in the month of December 2016 alone.

These apps still have only a limited number of features though. Some additional features of the app are:
Vehicle Performance Monitoring
The automotive app monitors the performance of all the major and minor parts of the vehicle. A default list of pre-selected parts will be available, however, the user can add or remove any items from the list as pleased. The app informs the user about the performance review regularly while driving.

Test Report Generator (Partial New)
After the measurement of performance parameters, the app generates reports. These can be viewed, saved and also shared with anyone the user desires. The parameters are also compared with the standard levels of each part and displayed in the form of charts or spreadsheets. It gives a specific value of performance of each part based on this comparison. The automotive software solution experts made sure that these reports are generated regularly even if the app is not open. These time intervals are custom defined.

Performance Improvement Repairs (Partial New)
After generating the test reports, the app suggests tips to fix, repair or calibrate the parts of the vehicle along with their cost. For parts that are degrading below an optimum level, the suggestions appear as interactive push notifications or reminders. The others reaching that low level are displayed as simple notifications displayed when the app is opened.

Authorized Service Center Locator
When the user selects the repairs or services they require, the automotive app searches nearby locations for authorized service centers. Within a user defined radius, all of these are listed along with their user ratings along. On selecting one, directions to the location is provided.

Safety Limit Alert (New)
As a safety feature, the automobile app alerts its users about the performance of any part below a safety standard. The safety limit, as defined by the manufacturer, and its consequences are mentioned along. The alert is given with the help of an alarm, whether the app is running or not. A constant reminder is also displayed on the notification bar of the user’s device.

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