Tickera – WordPress Event Ticketing Plugin
WordPress is an Open-Source and Community Driven platform with over 2600+ themes and 31,000+ plugins. Your WordPress website can gain more of the performance & functionality with the use of various plugins.
While running a travel business, or simply organizing events for your online business, the tools are required to facilitate the ticketing solution. WordPress offers an efficient event ticketing system, Tickera which is available with multiple add-ons to provide a completed event ticketing system for your business, avoiding the profit sharing with the third party.
With Tickera, we are able to manage various events along with ticket distribution, along with discount codes. Tickera is accessible not only on iOS & Android, but also the whole check-out process can be fastened with the Chrome Desktop Application which is platform independent.
Tickera Support various number of payment gateways like Paypal Standard, Paypal Pro, 2Checkout, Mijireh, Mollie, Stripe, Authorize.net etc, free oders & also custom offline payments.
Matrid Website Development team have been helping out for Tickera installation & Customization for one of the eminent travel company in San Francisco. For your WordPress Website Development, you can freely reach our experts.
Tickera Add Ons :
1) WooCommerce Compatible – The most efficient eCommerce of WordPress platform WooCommerce, can help to sell the tickets as WooCommerce products, whereas the fusion of Tickera & WooCommerce, will delivers the tickets to the buyers.
2) Ticket Builder – This will help us to create the various ticket templates, which can be accomplished with simple drag-drop elements, reordering & even delivering seamlessly the digital & quality printed tickets to the customers with 100% address verification.
3) Custom Forms – It can help to access the customer & attendees information from admin area. We can even implement more of the new custom fields, with multiple checkboxes, radio buttons, textareas for the attendees or buyer’s forms in parallel with our theme design. Export PDF functionality, check-in apps, or even the CSV export add-ons help in export. Ticket template element can be created and displayed on the tickets, out of any elements used for custom forms for getting this event ticketing system for your online business, you can reach our Matrid Website Development Experts. You can also acquire the WordPress Customization Services for your website.
4) White Label – You can rename the plugin as per your or client’s requirement, with the element of white-labeling of tickera, where you can rename it by just altering one line of code.
5) Check-in App Translation – By translating the strings of your Check-in app, the check-in applications for iOS & Android can be translated.
6) Bulk Discount Codes – The thousand number of discount codes can be created for each type of ticket with this bulk discount add-on.
7) Sendloop Newsletters – The email marketing campaigns can be made automated & even sending the newsletters, by using this add-on, offering the option for customers to join our sendloop email list while they are checking out. After entering the Sendloop API key, we need to select the sendloop email list, an easy way to stay in touch with your customers.
8) Check-in Notifications – The emails can be swiftly delivered to the visitors & attendees after they check-in the event. Simply greet the guests or even we can share the event details with them, with the help of this add-on.
For more Tickera related information & queries, & also for install of Tickera for your website, get in touch with Matrid Website Development Team, providing 24*7 tickera support (+1-855-370-5507). You can even Hire WordPress Developer for your making customization to your existing sites & apps.